"I always thought that overweight problems would never affect me - I have always been slim, with a good metabolism, so I ate what I wanted and did not go to the gym. However, after the birth of child, the weight did not drop and continued to grow. I started attendingI group exercises and following my eating habits, but there were no results. After that I realised that I will not be able to reach my goal on my own and it's time to seek help from professionals."
– If you need to compare, how did you feel about using CertifiedFasting.com?
– When I started following the CertifiedFasting Premium plan, I was very determined to get rid of extra kilograms in short time, because, like everyone else, I wanted to see the results immediately and quickly, but I did not believe that it was possible. When I quickly lost first few kg, I realised that this is the right program and the impressive and quick results were the biggest motivation to continue. Despite the fact that I am currently on parental leave, I could easily find time for both meals and exercise.
– In those rare moments when I ate something out of my diet plan, I thought about the idea of going to the store and being able to buy clothes that I really like and feel good about, not again. The large T-shirts and shapeless pants to hide the belly fat. CertifiedFasting and meals they offer are designed to "move" the metabolism again, and even if I happened to eat something outside my diet, the weight still continued to fall.
– How did you like to lose weight with CertifiedFasting.com?
–I didn't expect it to be so easy to lose weight with CertifiedFasting – all the recipes offered in the diet plan were easy to prepare and tasty. And when I saw on the scales that every day I was getting closer and closer to the figure of my dreams and very soon I would go and buy my new wardrobe – I didn't have to look for any additional motivation and I was happy to continue what I started.
– Was there anything new for you while following the MonacoFit.com menu?
– CertifiedFasting not only helped me get rid of excess weight, but also opened up a whole new world of flavours – my taste buds were excited about the dishes that were offered! I was pleasantly surprised at how very simple and customary products can be made so quickly and in so many different ways. Also new was the combination of different products in one recipe. This is also the key to MonacoFit's success – with the right combination of products, we can lose weight instead of gaining extra kilograms.

Before and after 13 kg weight loss with CertifiedFasting.com Premium plan
– Did you follow the instructions on the menu, or did you deviate from the plan?
– At first, I followed the plan 100% precisely, but when the metabolism was already moving and the weight began to fall, I began to improvise and sometimes replaced one of the products mentioned in the recipe. The best part is that my whole family ate CertifiedFasting recipes, – husband and two small children.
– How were you feeling while using the program?
– I followed my plan with joy – I think it is the most important thing in the slimming process. With each passing day I felt more and more energetic and stronger, of course, also thinner (laughs).
– Have you ever tried to eat healthy before CertifiedFasting?
– I started to think more about nutrition when I was expecting a baby - even then I tried to eat healthier, gave up salt and sugar in my diet, as well as followed the amount of water I had to drink during the day.
– Have you also taken the opportunity to consult with CertifiedFasting.com nutritionists?
– My plan was very thoughtful and met all my needs, so there was no need to make adjustments.
– When did you start feeling / noticing the first results?
–The weight decreased every day. I dropped at least a kilogram a week (laughs). I also really enjoyed the great feeling after each meal, when I did not struggle from overeating, like before.
– Do any of your friends also use CetifiedFasting.com?
– Seeing my changes, my friends have also started using CertifiedFasting. I myself am very glad that I chose this program, I think that with another program I would not have reached my target weight or would have left everything halfway.

Before and after 13 kg weight loss with CertifiedFasting.com Premium plan
– Do you plan to continue using CertifiedFasting.com?
– CertifiedFasting.com laid a good foundation in my understanding of healthy eating, and now it’s my lifestyle, just like a flat stomach and a life without any excess fat. I finally feel in harmony with my body and I no longer want to eat what I ate before CertifiedFasting. Our family menu has already been supplemented with several recipes, and I definitely want to continue fasting. I will definitely continue my lifestyle!
– You took a step and started working with your body. What would you recommend to those who want but can't get started to work with themselves?
There is no “better” day to start losing weight! By that I mean that the well-known examples of “I will start on Monday” or “from January 1st” or “after this party…” do not work in life. Just get started today! The most important thing is to do it with pleasure and enjoyment of the process itself. So recommend to start today and try CertifiedFasting for at least a week!